Starvation is defined as noun suffering or death caused by hunger."thousands died of starvation". I don't think anyone will ever understand starvation expect the people literally going through it. I have volunteered at homeless shelters and seen what it's like to me them, it breaks me heart to hear that some of these people wouldn't eat for days. It s so many of us that waste food throw it always and don't look twice, but we never think about if the tables were turned what would we do. I've seen on TV dumpster drives, I would laugh never truly understanding that these people have absolutely no other choice. It like they have to eat so what do you do? We were told to come up with solutions for starvation and I'm trying to figure out what I really think could work. Here's what I came up with. Since there are people starving I think every single persons household should be given a homeless person and they feed them every week. It may should crazy I know, but think about it, if everyone had a specific staving person to help they would soon be able to soon help someone else. It would be like a circle you help me, I help you...or someone else who needs it. The program would be a called solve starvation and people can also write it off on their taxes. It's perfect for the people starving and
This is a very creative idea. Its quite cleaver and I like it!